trust your brain…
If you’re here, it’s likely because you or a loved one has experienced something that is keeping your brain from performing as well as you’d like it to.
Your functioning may be affected due to a concussion/TBI, stroke, learning disability, or any number of other conditions or circumstances, but the bottom line is this: if you’d like to trust your brain again (or maybe even trust it for the first time!) you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re having difficulty with your brain at home, work, school, or in the community, we’d be happy to schedule a free consultation today. Common concerns Braintrust® addresses include:
– Difficulty remembering information, appointments, errands, or “to-dos”
– Trouble paying attention and focusing
– Inefficient problem solving
– Poor organization
– Difficulty with time management
– Decreased frustration tolerance
– Increased fatigue
– Decreased overall confidence in your brain

Education and alliance building for couples and families
You’re not alone as a caregiver, spouse, or partner of someone with a brain injury—things can get better, and Braintrust® can help!
It can be very challenging for everyone in the family when someone they love has a head injury. Braintrust® works with many couples and families to identify challenges from brain dysfunction and generate solutions to increase the quality of life for the entire family as well as the individual with the injury. Come in for a free consultation with Braintrust® to explore how you can build a supportive alliance around your loved one and in doing so, support yourself!

Dr. Matthew Dodson, the founder of Braintrust® Services, is an occupational therapist with over fifteen years of experience in rehabilitation at patient care, administration, and consulting levels. Located in Fort Collins, Colorado and providing a variety of services across North America both in-person and virtually, you can read more about his background in civilian and military healthcare here.