Return to Earn: Rehabilitation Specific to High-performing Professionals
Are you a doctor, lawyer, or executive with a concussion? How about a professor, a community leader, or a craftsman post-stroke? Maybe a scientist or successful small business owner recovering from cancer? If you have experienced challenges returning to work after your injury or illness, Braintrust’s Return to Earn™ program is a unique alternative to traditional post-brain injury rehabilitation.

Why Rehabilitation of High-Performing Professionals is Different
After concussion, stroke, or other illness or injury affecting the brain, a worker’s cognitive, emotional, and physical capacities can be affected. The more complex a person’s job and life, the more likely it is they will have difficulty returning to them in top form.
Ironically, the more “mild” an injury is classified as (such as a “mild” Traumatic Brain Injury/concussion or a “mild” stroke) the more likely it is that performance issues will fly under the radar in traditional rehabilitation treatment. The worker then returns to their job unsupported and can experience significant challenges…by which time it is often too late.
Professionals returning to nuanced and demanding job roles need nuanced and demanding rehabilitation. It is not unusual for high performing professionals to report that they are underserved by traditional rehabilitation programming. Return to Earn™ ensures that exacting job demands are identified and that treatment programs are designed around these required skills, tasks, and abilities.

What is Return to Earn™ Programming?
Athletes have well-developed “Return to Play” protocols established to get them back on the field after concussion. Likewise, students of all ages have well-established “Return to Learn” plans to return to school after brain injury or illness. These protocols are critical to ensuring that the individual returning to the field or the classroom does so at the appropriate time and intensity level—while being carefully monitored for symptoms and performance issues.
But what about returning to work? Who protects the employee from returning without appropriate support? What protections are in place to ensure that the company or business is protected from potentially catastrophic outcomes if an individual simply isn’t ready to return and yet tries to? There are no routinely practiced, well-established protocols addressing these critical issues.
That’s where Braintrust’s Return to Earn™ comes in. Our expertise in addressing the distinctive cognitive, emotional, and physical implications of returning to high-profile, mission-critical roles in business, education, and industrial applications is unique. With experience in working with high performers like C-suite executives, politicians, and military special operators, Braintrust’s cadre of concierge occupational rehabilitation and brain coaching professionals represent the best option for injured workers, organizations, and benefits management companies.
Leveraging a nation-wide network of brain coaching experts with the combined experience of treating thousands of clients, our virtual services ensure that injured workers are cared for and ready to meet their own (and their organization’s) expectations while remaining engaged in their home roles and communities.

Return to Earn™ Classes, Seminars, and Workshops
If you are interested in learning more about how Return to Earn™ programming can improve your healthcare, business, or legal outcomes, please contact Dr. Dodson at m.b.dodson@braintrustrehab.com or 970-340-0856.
If you are a high performing worker dealing with a brain injury or illness or a medical professional responsible for ensuring that a client gets specialized care to return to their demanding pre-injury responsibilities, please contact Braintrust® Services at information@braintrustrehab.com or 970-340-0856.